From the Online Content - The fourteenth time /
Cheap and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowls, and for the general cure of their diseases. 14th ed. 1683
Country contentments, or, The husbandmans recreations. 11th ed. 1675
The English house-wife. 8th ed. 1675
The enrichment of the weald of Kent, or, A direction to the husbandman for the true ordering, manuring, and inriching of all the grounds within the wealds of Kent, and Sussex ... Rev., enl. and corr. 1675. Markham's farewel to husbandry, or, The enriching of all sorts of barren and sterile grounds in our national, to be as fruitful in all manner of grain, pulse, and grass, as the best grounds whatsoever. 10th ed. 1676
A New orchard & garden, or, The best way for planting, grafting, and to make any ground good for a rich orchard ... / by William Lawson. 6th ed. 1676.