Ethnicity and public policy / Geno Baroni --
The media and the ethnics / Csanad Toth --
Community development and the urban ethnic dimension / Judith Leppala Brown and Otto Feinstein --
The ethnic neighborhood : leave room for a Boccie Ball / Barbara Mikulski --
Ethnic studies : toward a new pluralism in America / Richard S. Schweiker --
Ethnic studies and urban reality / Roman Pucinski --
The White House and the American worker / J.D. Hodgson --
Tax reform and ethnic diversity / Edmund S. Muskie --
Ethic circumstance : America at the polls / Richard M. Scammon --
New ethnic politics vs. old ethnic politics / Michael Novak --
New York's ethnic boom / John V. Lindsay --
Notes toward a blue collar reform movement / Michael L. Pesce --
Group conflict, group interest, and group identity : some Jewish reflections on "new pluralism" / Irving M. Levine and Judith Herman --
Spanish-speaking Americans : economic assimilation or cultural identity / Pastora San Juan Cafferty --
New dimension for labor's urban ethnic priorities / George Meany.