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The 1994 High School Transcript Study: technical report
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Table of Contents
From the Book
Chapter 1. Executive Summary
Chapter 2. Background: Sample Design
2.1 1994 NAEP Sample Design
2.2 Selection of Primary Sampling Units (PSUs)
2.3 Selection of NAEP Schools
2.4 Assignment of Sessions to Schools
2.5 Sampling Students
2.6 Students not Included in the Assessment
Chapter 3. Selection of Schools and Students for the 1994 High School Transcript Study
3.1 School Sample
3.2 Student Sample
Chapter 4. Data Collection Procedures
4.1 Training NAEP Field Supervisors as Data Collectors
4.2 Contacts with States, Districts, and Schools
4.3 Obtaining Course Catalogs, Sample Transcripts, and Other School-Level Information
4.3.1 Catalogs
4.3.2 Sample Transcripts
4.3.3 School Information Form
4.3.4 School Characteristics and Policies Questionnaire
4.4 Identifying the Sample Students and Obtaining Transcripts
4.4.1 Schools with NAEP Materials
4.4.2 Schools without NAEP Materials
4.5 IEP/LEP Questionnaire
4.6 Sending Data to Westat
4.7 Receipt and Review of Data from Data Collectors
Chapter 5. Data Processing Procedures
5.1 Establishing Student ID Control Lists
5.2 Entering Transcript Data
5.3 Coding the Catalogs
5.3.1 Course Title Entry School-level Catalogs or Course Lists District-level Catalogs Schools without Catalogs
5.3.2 Course Coding Classification of Secondary School Courses Flags Training Course Coders CACE System for Catalog Coding Catalog Coding Principles and Procedures Coding Transfer Courses Coding Special Education Courses
5.4 Matching Transcript Titles to Catalog Titles
5.4.1 CACE System for Matching Titles
5.4.2 Transcript-Catalog Association Principles and Procedures
5.5 Standardizing Credits and Grades
5.6 Quality Control
5.6.1 Quality Control for Transcript Data Entry
5.6.2 Quality Control for Catalog Data Entry
5.6.3 Quality Control for Catalog Coding Personal Selection, Training, and Supervision Difficulty Reporting Coding Reliability Quality Review Automated Checks
5.7 Scanning and Preparing the IEP/LEP Questionnaires
5.8 Scanning and Preparing the School Characteristics and Policy Questionnaires
Chapter 6. Weighting and Estimation of Sampling Variance
6.1 The HSTS Sample Weights: An Introduction
6.2 Variance Estimation
6.3 The HSTS-NAEP Linked Weights: An Introduction
6.4 Computation of the Base Weights
6.4.1 Computation of Base Weights: HSTS Weights
6.4.2 Conditional Student Base Weights for the HSTS
6.4.3 Computation of Base Weights: NAEP-HSTS Linked Weights
6.4.4 Conditional Session Probabilities
6.4.5 Computation of Replicate Base Weights
6.5 Weighting Adjustments for School Nonresponse
6.5.1 Approach to School Nonresponse Weighting Adjustments
6.5.2 Selection of School Nonresponse Cells
6.5.3 The School Nonresponse Cells: Results of the CHAID Analysis
6.5.4 HSTS School Nonresponse Adjustments
6.5.5 School Nonresponse Adjustment for the NAEP-HSTS Linked Weights
6.6 Student Nonresponse Adjustments
6.6.1 Student Nonresponse Adjustments for Assessed Students
6.6.2 Trimming the Nonresponse Adjusted Student Weights
6.6.3 Trimming the Linked Base Weights
6.6.4 Poststratified Student Weights
6.6.5 Poststratification for the Linked Weights: Assessment Weights
6.6.6 Special Poststratification Adjustments for the Final Excluded Student Weights
6.7 Final Adjustment and Final Sampling Weights
6.7.1 CHAID Analysis to Choose Missing Transcript Nonresponse Cells
6.7.2 Computation of Missing Transcript Adjustments
6.7.3 Final Sampling Weights
6.7.4 Final Replicate Weights
Chapter 7 1994 High School Transcript Study Data Files
7.1 Master CSSC File
7.2 Course Offerings File
7.3 School File
7.4 Student File
7.5 Linked Weights File
7.6 IEP/LEP Questionnaire File
7.7 Tests and Honors File
7.8 Transcript File
7.9 NAEP Data Files
Chapter 8 References
Appendix A. Study Materials Sent to Schools and Districts
B. 1993-94 School Characteristics and Policy Questionnaire
C. School Information Form
D. 1993-94 Student IEP/LEP Questionnaire
E. 1994 Additions to the Classification of Secondary School Courses
List of Tables
2.1 Geographic regions used for stratification
2.2 Noncertainty PSU strata
3.1 Response rates of schools by linking category
3.2 Response rates of students in eligible participating schools 3.3 Response rates of graduates
5.1 Numeric grade conversion
6.1 Counts of NAEP and HSTS sampled schools
6.2 Total students in HSTS study in HSTS cooperating schools
6.3 Session statuses for public and private linked schools
6.4 Percentages of linked school students with differing values of the reading assessment probability
6.5 Assessed and excluded students in linked schools
6.6 Response rates for public, Catholic, and non-Catholic private schools
6.7 Response rates for the school nonresponse cells
6.8 Final HSTS school nonresponse factors by nonresponse cell
6.9 HSTS-NAEP school nonresponse factors by nonresponse cell
6.10 HSTS-NAEP reading assessment school nonresponse factors
6.11 HSTS-NAEP history/geography assessment school nonresponse factors
6.12 Student nonresponse adjustments for reading, history, and geography assessments and for excluded students by percentile
6.13 Trimming factors for schools requiring trimming
6.14 Student poststratification cells and control totals
6.15 HSTS poststratification factors
6.16 Poststratification factors for the reading assessment weights
6.17 Poststratification factors for the history assessment weights
6.18 Poststratification factors for the geography assessment weights
6.19 Poststratification for the excluded student weights
6.20 Counts and percents of graduating seniors known and imputed
6.21 Nonresponse adjustment cells for missing transcript adjustments
6.22 Comparison of rates of missing transcripts in the worst seven schools in Regions 1 and 3 with the remaining schools in those regions
6.23 Nonresponse adjustment factors for missing transcripts
6.24 Distributions of the final HSTS and linked weights
List of Figures
5.1 Quality control processes for catalog coding
7.1 Project data files and linking identifiers
List of Exhibits
4.1 Training agenda for the 1994 HSTS
4.2 Superintendent's letter from Steve Gorman
4.3 Summary of school transcript activities
4.4 Informational letter to principals from Steve Gorman
4.5 Informational letter to principals from Nancy Caldwell
4.6 Course catalog checklist
4.7 Transcript format checklist
4.8 Disclosure notice
4.9 Transcript request form-Version 1
4.10 Documentation of missing transcripts
4.11 Shipping transmittal form
4.12 Transcript request form-Version 2
5.1 Abbreviations for data entry
5.2 Values for flags
5.3 Carnegie unit report
5.4 Standardization of grades
5.5 Catalog coding difficulty report
5.6 Telephone conference report
5.7 Catalog coding discrepancy report
6.7 HSTS-school nonresponse factors
6.8 HSTS-NAEP school nonresponse factors
6.8 HSTS-NAEP reading assessment school nonresponse factors
6.10 HSTS-NAEP history/geography assessment school nonresponse factors.
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More Details
Caldwell, Nancy W. author
Davis, Bryan author
Gorman, Steven project officer
Haynes, Jacqueline author
Hill, Telford J. author
Davis, Bryan author
Gorman, Steven project officer
Haynes, Jacqueline author
Hill, Telford J. author
Litavecz, Stephen author
National Center for Education Statistics sponsoring body
Rizzo, Louis,1960- author
Rust, Keith author
Vo, Ngoan author
National Center for Education Statistics sponsoring body
Rizzo, Louis,1960- author
Rust, Keith author
Vo, Ngoan author
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