Introduction / Christopher Maurer
From Book of poems / translated by Catherine Brown
Poem of the deep song / translated by Cola Franzen, Christopher Maurer, and Robert Nasatir
Suites / translated by Jerome Rothenberg
Songs, 1921-1924 / translated by Alan S. Trueblood
The gypsy ballads, 1924-1927 / translated by Will Kirkland and Christopher Maurer
Odes / translated by William Bryant Logan, Greg Simon and Steven F. White
Poet in New York / translated by Greg Simon and Steven F. White
Trip to the moon / translated by Greg Simon and Steven F. White
"Childhood and Death" : poems from Earth and Moon / translated by Greg Simon and Steven F. White
The Tamarit divan / translated by Catherine Brown
Six Galician poems / translated by Catherine Brown
Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías / translated by Galway Kinnell
[Sonnets of dark love] / translated by Angela Jaffray
Other sonnets, 1923-1936 / translated by Christopher Maurer
Uncollected poems / translated by Christopher Maurer
Notes to the poems / Christopher Mauer.