Part I: Early developments
The England to which John Wesley came / Arnold Nash
Wesley's message to his own age / William T. Watkins
Accomplishments to Wesley's death / William R. Cannon
Methodism's debt to the Church of England / W. W. Sweet
Divisions in American Methodism / J. Minton Batten
Methodism's spread in America / Jacob S. Payton
An interview with Francis Asbury / Edwin Holt Hughes
Part II: Distinctive emphasis
Salvations for all / Robert E. Cushman
God can be experienced / Nels F. S. Ferré
Freedom from rigid creed / Umphrey Lee
The search for perfection / Harris Franklin Rall
A singing Church / Robert G. McCutchan
The itinerant ministry / Horace G. Smith
Methodism's educational activities / Arlo Ayres Brown
Methodism's contribution to social reform / Walter G. Muelder
Methodism's world parish / Arthur J. Moore
Part III: Twentieth-century Methodism
The doctrine of the church / L. Harold DeWolf
Methodist worship: practices and ideals / Nolan B. Harmon, Jr.
Methodism and the negro / M. W. Clair, Jr.
The Episcopacy / James H. Straughn
The story of unification / John M. Moore
The church since unification / Charles E. Schofiel
Methodism and ecumenical Christianity / Ivan Lee Holt
The challenge of the future: an outside view / Luther A. Weigle
The challenge of the future: an inside view / Francis J. McConnell.