Introduction: In praise of Queer fear / Michael Rowe
The nightguard / C. Mark Umland
Piercing men / Douglas Clegg
The siege / Michael Marano
Little holocausts / Brian Hodge
The sound of weeping / Thomas S. Roche
Hey fairy / Edo Van Belkom
The spark / William J. Mann
Spindlebanks (New Orleans, 1956) / Caitlin R. Kiernan
The perpetual / David Quinn
Genius loci / Becky N. Southwell
Goodbye / Michael Thomas Ford
Tabula rosa / Robert Boyczuk
You can't always get what you want / T.L. Bryers
The bird feeders / David Nickle
No silent scream / Nancy Kilpatrick
Nestle's revenge / Ron Oliver
Second shadow / Joseph O'Brien.