How many seconds in a year? (1908-1913)
Learning about war, revolution, and peace (1914-1919)
The other side of the war years (1914-1919)
Romanian interlude (1919-1920)
My name is KoKó (1920-1925)
How to become a physicist the hard way (1926-1928)
Brave new world (1928-1929)
Journeymen year in physics (1929-1930)
The pleasures of small successes (1930-1933)
The future becomes obvious (1933)
The joy of being a foreigner (1934-1935)
First years in the United States (1935-1941)
Academicians go to work (1941-1943)
Settling in at Los Alamos (March 1943-November 1943)
On and off the Mesa (November 1943-January 1945)
An end, a beginning (1945)
Give it back to the Indians (1945-1946)
Incomplete answers (1946)
Among friends from home (February 1946-June 1949)
The Reactor Safeguard Committee (1947-1949)
Twenty years too soon (June 1949-January 1950)
Our doubts have a firm foundation (1950)
Damn the torpedoes (November 1950-April 1951)
Pleasures in the Pacific, perils at Princeton
(April 1951-September 1951)
The campaign for a second weapons laboratory
(November 1951-July 1952)
The new wheel spins a bit (1952-1954)
Other nuclear affairs (1949-1955)
The Oppenheimer hearing (April 12, 1954-May 6, 1954)
Sequelae (June 1954-February 1955)
Three friends (August 1954-August 1958)
Down to earth (1955-1958)
The directorship (1958-1960)
A few lessons in political affairs (1955-1960)
The temperature of the Cold War rises (1960-1965)
Educating inventive engineers (1961-1975)
Choices, critical and otherwise (1973-1979)
Strategic defense (1980-1992)
public and private (1980-1990)
Appendix: In the matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer.
In the Matter ofJ. Robert Oppenheimer