The meaning of death in classical Hollywood : Practicing film theory ; Death on the line ; A politics of death
Two Platos: death, truth, and knowledge : A rehearsal for death ; Access, authority, and tests ; The superfluity of a truth-revealing death ; The misery of truth
Embodying the past : The killability test ; A logic of singular evil
Melodrama and the shaping of desires to come : Sublating death ; Obstacles and goals ; Desiring death ; Impossible legacies
Cults of the dead and powers of the false : Retaining the dead ; Westerns and falsehoods ; The forming of a cult ; A brand that sticks
A perpetual present: death and the war film : An absurd death ; The Hollywood war machine ; The exception of state
Conclusions: the ends of classical death : Billy Wilder and Hollywood's "Auschwitz" ; The vicissitudes of the killability test ; The virtual Frankenstein.