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A practical guidebook to the Kabbalah, an ancient mystical tradition which is currently enjoying a resurgence of interest among powerful female role models such as Madonna and Roseanne Barr. The resurgence of interest in the Kabbalah particularily among women is thanks to the universal appeal of the teachings which reach beyond the Jewish tradition where it was born into powerful spiritual truths.
The Kabbalah links the Western and Eastern spriitual
...An occult classic and a Dion Fortune bestseller of strongly growing interest.
Fortune was one of the first to bring this "secret tradition" to a wider audience with her clear and comprehensive exploration of the Qabalah tradition. The Mystical Qabalah remains a classic in its clarity, linking the broad elements of Jewish traditional thought—probably going back to the Babylonian captivity and beyond—with both
Kabbalah For Dummies presents a balanced perspective of Kabbalah as an "umbrella" for a complex assemblage of mystical Jewish teachings and codification techniques. Kabbalah For Dummies also shows how Kabbalah simultaneously presents an approach to the study of text, the performance of ritual and the experience of worship, as well as how the...